Friday, August 29, 2008

Announcement - READ ME FIRST!

Hi there!

In case you stumbled on this by accident, or somehow got confused, I wanted to make clear - almost everything here is a work of fiction. All characters, events, etc. described herein either take place in White Wolf's "World of Darkness" setting or are my personal thoughts and opinions about that same setting and the characters and players I have encountered. Any character that is not created by me is the property of the character's player\creator, and absolutely no offense or infringement is meant by any appearance that those characters make herein.

As a side note, I will, from time to time, break away from the usually fictional nature of my posts in order to discuss gaming in general, the World of Darkness in particular, and any related topics as I see fit. This may range from multi-page essays on what I consider the best ways to run a game to a few lines of random, completely made-up dialogue that's just meant as a joke, or a potential conversation that struck me as interesting. I will do my best to note those entries, but they should be pretty obvious within a few lines.

With that being said...

On with the show!

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